Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Bye Nanchang!

After we picked up Megan's passport we went shopping at a porcelain shop. While there we were swarmed by people wanting to see the babies. These ladies thought Megan was the cutest! She wasn't so sure about them holding her.

Look I am sitting up! She can only do it for a second, but that is a start.

The boys ran out and brought in KFC for dinner. Megan sucked on the chicken leg bone and loved the mashed potato's. Grammi and Grandpa looks like you will have another one wanted to join you at MCL.

She took another bath tonight. I go in the tub and held her. She was upset, but nearly as much as the last two times. I found out from those went to the orphanage that those in foster care where given sponge baths. That explains a lot!

Tomorrow we fly out for our last destination in China, Guangzhou. Good night from Nanchang.


Anonymous said...

Megan is soooo cute and I can't wait to see her. How did you like Nanchang? From the pictures that I saw I liked it. How many days til you come home? 6 days? I can't last that long til I see you and Megan!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wendi when I read about the comments on orphanage I almost cried it is amazing that they consider setting up more guidelines with all the children they have. I'm glad you decided not to go I couldn't have handled it either. But I am so glad Megan is doing great. Once you get her home & she will be caught up with all other kids. She is so cute I love the picture of her sitting on the be propped up & sticking her tongue out. Love Mom & Mike

Turner Girls said...

The girls will be glad that she will be able to join them with Grammi and Grandpa at MCL!!

We can not wait to see her!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bridwells,

It is sure cold here in Indy today. It looks like a little warm up when you come home. The Turner girls just left, after having Pizza for dinner. I sprayed Lysol every where they were.Between fevers, coughs, and runny noses, if your mom and I don't catch what they have it will be a miracle.

Megan gets prettier every time I see a picture of her. She looks as though she is more outgoing now. Will be glad when you are all home.

Love Ya

Mom and Dad Cole

catbertie said...

Good to know all is wonderful in China!!! Please let Andy and Patty know about the Indianapolis Southsiders with Asian Children Yahoogroup!! We'd love to have them join.....